This idea first settled into my head about a year and a half ago. It's been germinating ever since. I've always been interested in finding patterns in noise and this one was just too easy to discern.
Why are Prius drivers the worst drivers on the planet? Oh there are just too many reasons. How about driving well below the speed limit in the fast lane? How about switching lanes without blinkers or without a care in the world? How about cutting people off? How about blinkers on and not turning. How about yapping on the phone while doing 20 on the highway? How about inching down the road, obviously looking for a parking spot, but not caring that there's a line of people behind them. It's unbelievable if you haven't noticed it before, but I guarantee that after you read this, you'll notice I'm right within a few days. All I'm asking for is some damn common courtesy.
I did some research to see if other people had written about this. One comment said that the reason we notice Prius drivers are the worst drivers around is because there are so many Priuses on the road. I hope that commenter wasn't serious - or else he probably drives one. More prevalent than BMW's in the Bay Area? More prevalent than Honda Accord's? So much more prevalent that I notice an undeniable pattern? I doubt it.
Here's my deduction as to why Prius drivers suck. Now I have friends that drive them, so sorry to you guys. And I do realize that this is a broad, sweeping generalization, but here goes. Entitlement. These people think that because they've shelled out some money to reduce emissions that they're now holier than thou? That it doesn't matter what they do because they're on a crusade to save the planet? It's their way on the highway!
I don't mind people saving the planet. It's a nice gesture. I do my share to save the planet as well. But just because people do good doesn't mean it entitles you to anything. I recycle. I reuse grocery bags. I buy energy efficient products. And I don't drive like an ass.
So all you Prius drivers. Go take some driving lessons. While you may be decreasing your carbon output, you're increasing, exponentially, ill will throughout the world. And that may just be even more detrimental to the environment.
Is that Prius really bad like that? I thinking to buy that one. Perhaps not...
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you missed a question mark and spelled "thou" incorrectly.
-- signed, a Prius owner
PS - i'm typing this on my iphone while i look for a parking spot. oh look! a handicap space! yoink!
@Anonymous - Thanks, got that fixed. Glad you found your handicap spot. And no, it wouldn't surprise me if you were serious.
@Lefty - Neither would I, my friend. Neither would I.
You sound like a total douche. Nice generalizations on Prius drivers. They're completely false and ridiculous. Here's a stereotype for you. Bloggers are narcisistic douchebags.
@Anonymous - It sounds like we've found ourselves a Prius driver. I hope you enjoy driving that thing while saving the planet. You are a true hero.
THANK YOU for posting this! I am 110% with you on all of your points. I live in Portland, OR and am from the Bay Area, so I've suffered in both areas from the pompous arrogance of clueless Prius drivers.
Your deduction that Prius owners are holier-than-thou is dead on. (I call them the Toyota Pious now.) There's no other explanation. Purchasing one obviously denotes that THEY care much more about the planet's impending human-caused death than YOU do, so they deserve special privileges.
I noticed this pattern of complete lack of regard for anyone else on the roads (a.k.a. self-absorption) in 2007 or so, as the cars became more prevalent. Here's a link to a blog I wrote about the subject:
Anyway, thanks for writing about this! It gives me a little comfort to know that others out there see these drivers for what the majority of them are. And the few people I personally know who drive them are quite pompous and arrogant, just FYI. :-)
P.S. And one more note: why are these cars so damn UGLY?? Seeing them dotting the roads is like seeing oil refineries on the horizon. And when you think about it, nothing really says Eco-Friendly like a trunk full of nickel-metal-hydride batteries!
I always enjoy coming back to this blog for posts like this.
you blog rocks i like it meilleur casino
thanks guys - I got some good posts coming!
thanks for tha article
very informative, thanks for sharing
thanks for the article
thats really clever and thank you for the info.
One up side to the prius driver, when i am on my motorcycle at least i know to pay very VERY close attention when i see one in sight. There is a very good chance the will turn in front of me, drift into my lane or just do something really stupid. I like the technology but loath those who attempt to operate these vehicles. The are not cars, just vehicles.. Way to many in Santa Cruz Ca.
I am so glad I found this because for years i have been so completely frustrated with prius owners and wondered if i was the only one that felt there driving skills were god awful. I used to think volvo drivers were the worst until toyota came out with the prius and their owners completely blew volvo drivers out of the water in the lack of skill dept. and even just awareness of their surroundings.
There the worst..... Enough said.
I also despise Prius drivers. It has nothing to do with the car, it has everything to do with the TYPE of people who buy these cars. 9 out of 10 Prius owners drive below the speed limit. No problem with that, but move your ass to the left. You would think they would get the hint with 10 cars behind them and miles of open road ahead.
Worse are the chinese and indians who drive them; any motor vehicle for that matter. Those people may excel at math and science, but they don't know shit about safely piloting a deadly weapon on the road!
Your not nice
The prius drivers are clueless rude and reckless. I was riding a bike and a prius swerved over into my lane and ran me off the road. It appeared as though she was actually aiming for me. I suffered multiple fractures from the crash. Prius drivers are A Holes!
Have to say I've noticed how bad they drive over all, but not all of course. The driving under the speed limit in the fast lane is my number one gripe. They simply don't use their mirrors and even f they do don't know what the heck their trying to interpret anyway..
Great post!
I'd also like to note that I don't see other hybrid drivers driving this way...there's just something about Prius drivers. Actually, I don't think they know that they're in a car.
They suck at driving because they hate cars, roads, and everything related. That's why they make their statement by replacing their car with a "transportation appliance" that has no driving experience or pleasure related to it. I'm glad they support the Toyota empire though because I love Toyota 4x4's and they keep getting bigger engines in bigger 4x4's each year! Thanks Pri-tards!
LOVE YOU!! The self-righteous attitude just irritates the heck out of me and makes me what to carry a box of driver's handbooks to throw at them. Of course, I wouldn't because if they didn't accept them, I'd be littering. They aren't alone though - volvo is up there on the list as well. I don't understand why the concept of a "passing lane" is that difficult to understand. Move the blank over!
That being said, every once in a while, I get a prius that passes me. So, I know it's possible for the vehicle to MOVE!
Thanks for the blog!
i agree with the smugness leading to total cluelessness
the most common flaw of the prius driver is left lane loafing
here in california traffic flows best when everyone in the left lane (not carpool) is constantly passing; those in the next lane maintain a consistent speed of 70ish and those in the far right are either exiting or entering the freeway
the prius is notorius for clogging the left lane with their slow speed and forcing the rest of the universe to adjust to him - as the adjustment is made said prius driver gets offended at some imaginary slight and proceeds to try and not let anyone by him - assholes to the core
Even though I'm a Prius driver your posting really made me laugh. You may very well be right about most of us but in our defense, it's got the worse sight lines I've ever experienced with a huge blinds pot, which could explain a lot of the clueless cut-offs or extensive amount of time changing lanes. I know that if I wait until I'm sure about someone clearing my blind spot the person has lost patience and passes me on the right. In my opinion it is the Toyota design crew that are the real douchbags. I bought the Prius to save money and am trying my best to drive as safely as I can. In addition to all of our challenges us Prius drivers now have the added challenge of driving with our heads hanging down in shame. Please take pity on us.
@lefty - you are a boss
just sayin
First of all let me say as a prius owner that the driving habits alluded to probably apply to half the drivers behind the wheels of every make, model, and vehicle on the road today.
Second, my personal experience has been one of annouyance with the blue oval crowd, however I would stop far short of calling them ALL a bunch of asses.
Third, I know a lot of people buy a big powerfull truck, or a sexy hot looking car to compensate for their penis, breast size, lack of looks, or self esteem issues. I myself can certainly relate to a couple of those things.
Fourth, I must say on my own behalf I love big powerfull trucks, and hot sexy cars, but I hate spending my money on gas and the prius is the best way to ease the pain at this time, and is certainly capable of performing in traffic.
Fifth and last as far as being
environmentally responsible, I do what I do, however with 8 billion people and counting, the resources, and eco systems, mixed with our greed on this planet are unsustainable, and judgement day is quickly approaching. Therefore, let's not be quick to judge one another for whatever reasons or perceptions we have and apply them in such an ignorant way.
The biggest gaff I witness with Prius drivers is driving with their headlights off in the pitch black.
Over the course of 30+ years of driving I have never witnessed so many drivers driving with their lights off at night. Prius drivers seem to be the biggest offenders for some reason.
The only other gripe I have with many Prius drivers is that they love to tailgate you. Just like the douche bags in their Audi's, BMW's and VW's. I like to obey the law and drive the posted speed limit, not drive 10 or 20 miles per hour above it.
Giving the Prius and some of the German cars a break for now I'd like to acknowledge, by far, the most cretinous morons on the road and those are men in Dodge Chargers. You know those homely sedans with the gigantic, putrid wheels, black tinted windows and mentally challenged boom boxes that fracture the earth as they whizz through red lights. Not only are those UGLY cars, but the drivers have incredibly rancid dispositions.
Ford Mustang and Chevy Camaro drivers are right up there with the rest of their insolent ilk.
How about those clapped out decade old imports, huge SUV's and Chevy Caprices with the blue out of aim headlights, a trunk with hundreds of pounds of retarded amps and sub woofers and gutted exhaust systems that have drivers aboard that suffer from a serious case of little mans syndrome. Now what's up with those odd creatures? Pretentious individuals to say the least.
I think I'll take a few little gaffs with a Prius driver any day compared to the boorish nature of the many (and growing in population) morons in their pimp my ride mobiles.
If I got a dollar for every time a Prius driver sits at a green light and doesn't go because they're texting or reading a Noam Chomsky book, it would pay for my gas.
Living in Seattle, we already have our share of idiotic drivers but I swear if I am stuck behind someone going 50 in the fast lane who refuses to get in the right lane, or if I get cut off by someone not using a signal, 9 times out of 10 it is some douche-bag in a Prius. And in the Pacific Northwest they are everywhere!
The absolute only reason I'm thinking about driving a Prius is because of fuel efficiency. I just want to save money. That's it. I could choose any hybrid from any auto maker. but I know and trust the Toyota brand. I am sick to death of shelling out $60 a week in gas. I wouldn't care if the Prius was the biggest polluter. as long as I can make a tank of gas last longer than a week where I live, that is all that matters to me. and I have found that there are a lot of douches on the road who don't drive Prius. I'll be driving down the freeway at 70mph in the Pacific Northwest where I live and have somebody on my ass. I will speed up thinking I'm going to slow for them and then they speed up. They then get over speed up and cut me off and then slow down. and they're usually driving some piece of shit European sports car where they think they own the road. I always go the speed limit or a little above. I always signal. I always drive courteous and respectful. that won't change just because I buy a Prius when and if I do
Update- from the anonymous author who posted a response on June 3rd
Ok, so I bought my Prius. I can tell you that, while I miss having a car with more power, I love the savings in gas I've already racked in. For me, mission accomplished. My driving has not changed much. I'm still a courteous driver who drives the speed limit or above, always uses my turn signals, and otherwise drive as respectful as possible. I'm not smug about owning a Prius. If anything, I've taken a lot of shit for buying one. But, it is my wallet I was worried about. Not what someone else thinks about my choice in cars. Those people don't pay my bills. And, while I count some of them as friends, I have made it clear to them that their opinion has little effect on my decision unless they're going to be the ones paying for my gas. By the way, I never text while driving and rarely use my cell phone while driving and when I do I always use bluetooth. I am probably one of the least distracted drivers on the road. That has not changed simply because I bought a Prius. And don't get me wrong, I really do miss having a more powerful car. The Prius is pretty weak in terms of power. My wallet has never had more cash in it.
I hope the shithead driver I saw on 101 with his IPAD sees this. You sir, deserve to die a solo fiery death on the shoulder around Palo Alto.
Spot on, sir. There's a reason I'm riding you in the first lane! You're going 65. I'm all for you saving the planet but do it in the second or third lane and GTFO of my way.
WOW this is so funny how ignorant you people are. I don't drive a prius but the things you are saying about people you think drive them are ridiculous its a damn car. Grow up, honestly its pretty sad you take the time to write a blog like this.The prius is not a bad car at all and you probably couldn't even afford the car sitting home writting blogs lmfao get a real job.
I'm temporarily stuck in the Pacific Northwest and I just can't believe how many TERRIBLE drivers there are here.
And one absolute consistent pattern is FREAKIN STUPID PRIUS DRIVERS!
I don't know what the deal is with the PNW but people driver UNDER the speed limit constantly (20 in town and 50-60 on the freeway on I-5).
It just blows me away why people VOLUNTARILY drive under the speed limit and WHY are SO many of them PRIUS's???
I honestly think you don't need a license to drive one because they folks who do, don't have a damn clue.
BTW: The Pacific Northwest sucks, stay away from the miserable rain and haters here!
To the poster above me...
First of all the Pacific Northwest is known for its rain. Why you would choose to live here or stay here and not realize that is beyond me even if it was temporary. Without the rain it could not stay as green as it is. And it does not rain all the time. That is an extreme exaggeration. There has been a heat wave going on for the past month or so with only one day of minimal rain the rest of the month it has been hot and dry with highs in the eighties on average.
Second, I don't know why you have had such bad luck meeting people. Sounds as though you have only encountered certain types of people. I and many of my friends are very outgoing and friendly. So I don't know why you had this trouble meeting only, in your word, "haters".
Finally, of course you are going to encounter a lot of bad Prius drivers. There are so many Prius drivers on the road here in the Pacific Northwest because there are so many Priuses.
With that many types of cars on the road you are bound to come across someone behind the wheel who can't drive worth a crap.
I drive a Prius myself and find myself in the fast lane doing 80 and passing most other cars on the road. That is, provided I don't have some dip shit in front of me who thinks they own the road because they drive a sports car and has decided to do 60 in the fast lane which is a passing lane not meant for camping out at 60 miles an hour but hey they own an expensive car so they own the road in their self obsessed minds.
But FYI the speed limit is actually 60 on the freeways in and around Seattle and actually only goes up to 70 when you travel far enough east or south. I am speeding and can be pulled
over. Yes it can happen to a prius driver- pulled over for speeding. So unless the car is in the fast lanes or passing lane, if they are doing 60 they are actually doing the speed limit and thus are following the law. But even in the fast lanes speeding is only tolerated to a certain extent and certain speed. I'm pushing my luck. you are welcome to try and push yours.
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