Monday, June 29, 2009

What's on Tap for Vyoo?

This Saturday is our impending wide beta launch. While I'm excited about actually getting things opened up a bit more, I'm also tempered. We're working on hiring a new UI designer who I've spent quite a bit of time with trying to create a good design. She's made some tremendous recommendations and put us on track to have a great UI. Unfortunately it won't be close to ready for the launch. At the point where the UI is good, I'll feel a lot better about everything. The UI right now is a bit messy. But that's what you get when you have developers try to make UI revisions.

Looking for mentors:
I've started to more aggressively look for a mentor. Someone who can help define a strategy in order to approach investors, partners, and others we'll need help from. I've looked for one in the past, but I was apparently not ready for it. I guess the only advice I can give is that you'll know when you're ready for one.

Looking for investors:
After Saturday, we'll start to aggressively pursue the financing track, determining who and what we'll be looking for. This is where I'm assuming our b school background will really pay off.

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