I thought I'd follow up my post yesterday with some more free stuff today. First of all - let me warn you that getting this free stuff sometimes takes a month or so. But that's part of the fun. You totally forget about things and then shazaam, there's a gift card!
There are a few sites I frequent which actually have you test products. It's great, because you get these products either free or at seriously reduced rates. The best site in this category is BzzAgent. They're a word of mouth marketing company and they have a very active user community.
I joined over a year ago and some of the things I've received: A Norelco razor, Gift certificates for Chili's and Boston Market, a video game system, and my favorite, a laundry steaming system called the Fabric Freshener (here). That thing has a $219.00 retail value. How can you not love it?!
BzzAgent is one of the few product testing sites that lets anyone sign up. The more you contribute, the more products you're offered to test. Essentially, you join these campaigns. They send you items. And you write reviews about them - positive or negative. You have to spend some time on their site monthly to increase your status and to improve the number of products you test, but it's actually fun too.
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